Title: Theory and Analysis of Nonlinear Framed Structures
  Authors: Yang, Y. B., and Kuo, S. R.
  Publisher: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1994, 612 pages.
  Introduction: This book is intended to serve as a bridge for connecting the traditional continuum mechanics principles with modern computational procedures. One message to be conveyed is that nonlinear analysis is not a direct extension or repeated application of linear analysis. In conducting a nonlinear analysis, say, for the cases of planar and space frames or trusses covered in the book, each of the phases involved has to be qualified by certain rules, before the entire procedure can be put into work. To this end, the authors have proposed the rigid body rules for testing the nonlinear theories and associated finite elements derived. Approaches based on such a concept seem to be nonexistent in the literature, as far as the nonlinear behaviors of structures are concerned. However, they prove to be physically meaningful and help clarify several existing arguments related to the buckling of space frames and curved beams.

With the rigid body rules serving as the guidelines, the authors are able to demonstrate that the problems encountered in the buckling analysis of curved beams are closely related to those of space frames, and that they can be solved by the same unified means- a point not fully realized by previous researchers. In reality, application of the rigid body rule, which is universally valid, is far beyond those presented in the book for the truss members, straight beams, and curved beams. It can be promisingly extended to inspecting the validity of other nonlinear theories and finite elements, such as those for plates and shells. The analytic solutions presented in the book for several lateral buckling problems serve as the benchmarks for evaluation of the accuracy of various numerical procedures.
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