榮譽與獎項 |
1988-1989 |
國科會「傑出研究獎」(1st) |
1990-1991 |
國科會「傑出研究獎」(2nd) |
1992 |
中華民國十大傑出青年(科技發展類) |
1992-1993 |
國科會「傑出研究獎」(3rd) |
1994 |
中國工程師學會「傑出工程教授」 |
1994 |
教育部「教學特優教師獎」 |
1994-1995 |
國科會「傑出研究獎」(4th) |
1996-1997 |
國科會「傑出研究獎」(5th) |
1998-2001 |
國科會「特約研究員」(1st) |
1998-2003 |
傑出人才基金會「傑出人才講座」 |
2000 |
台灣大學「傑出教學獎」 |
2000- |
美國土木工程師學會「會士」(Fellow, ASCE) |
2001 |
香港大學 Structural Engineering Fellowship |
2001-2004 |
國科會「特約研究員」(2nd) |
2002 |
中華民國振動與噪音工程學會「最佳論文獎」 |
2002- |
中華民國結構工程學會「榮譽會員」 |
2003- |
中國土木水利工程學會「會士」(Fellow) |
2003 |
Engineering Structures期刊Munro Prize (最佳論文獎) |
2006 |
國立金門高中「傑出校友」 |
2006 |
臺灣大學「傑出學術專書獎」 |
2006- |
中華民國力學學會「會士」(Fellow) |
2006 |
Best Paper Award, Advances in Structural Engineering, an International Journal |
2007- |
蒙古土木工程學會「榮譽會員」 |
國內外學會活動 |
1992-2000 |
ASCE Stability Committee 委員 |
1996- |
「中國土木水利工程學會」理事 |
1997- |
「中華民國力學學會」理事 |
1998-2000 |
「中華民國結構工程學會」理事長 |
1998-2004 |
IASS WG 13 on Numerical Methods in Shell and Spatial Structures 主席 |
1999- |
General Council, Asian Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics 委員 |
2001- |
「中國工程師學會」理事 |
2001- |
Honorary Advisor, Asian Institute of Intelligent Buildings |
2002- |
Executive Council, International Association for Shells and Spatial Structures (IASS) |
2003- |
IASS Technical Activities Committee 主席 |
2006- |
Member, Executive Council, Asian Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics |
2006- |
Member, International Association of Computational Mechanics |
學術期刊編輯 |
1991-1995 |
台大工學院「工程學刊」主編 |
1993- |
International Journal of Structural Engineering and Mechanics (Techno Press) 期刊編輯 |
1995- |
Engineering Structures (Elsevier) 期刊編輯 |
1998-2001 |
「土木技術雜誌」總編輯 |
1998-2000 |
「中國土木水利工程學刊」總編輯 |
1998- |
Advances in Structural Engineering, an International Journal (Multi-Science) 期刊編輯 |
1999- |
Engineering Mechanics (CSTAM) 期刊編輯 |
2000- |
Computational Structural Engineering, an International Journal (CSEI) 期刊編輯 |
2001-2004 |
Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (Taylor & Francis) 期刊編輯 |
2001- |
Spatial Structures (Zhejiang Univ.) 期刊編輯 |
2001- |
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics (World Scientific) 總編輯 |
2002- |
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Elsevier) 期刊編輯 |
2002- |
Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics (CSTAM) 期刊編輯 |
2004- |
Journal of the IASS 期刊編輯委員 |
2005- |
International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction 期刊編輯委員, HKISC |
2005- |
Int. J. for Computational Methodes in Eng. Science and Mechanics 期刊編輯 |
2006- |
「橋梁」雜誌顧問 |
2006- |
IES Journal A: Civil and Structural Engineering 期刊編輯 |
2007- |
Interaction and Multiscale Mechanics, an Int. J. 總編輯 |
2007- |
Journal of Sound and Vibration 期刊編輯 |
2007- |
The Open Civil Engineering Journal 期刊編輯 |
社會與業界服務 |
1995-1996 |
「交通部高速鐵路籌備處」技術諮詢顧問 |
1998 |
「台北市捷運中和線」履勘委員 |
1998-2000 |
「中華民國結構工程學會」理事長 |
1999 |
「台北市捷運新店線」履勘委員 |
2001-2003 |
行政院公共工程委員會「技術委員會」委員 |
2003-2006 |
台北市「市政顧問」 |
2005 |
行政院「雪山隧道鋼便橋勘查小組」召集人 |
2006 |
「國道5號雪山隧道」履勘委員 |
2006 |
「台灣高速鐵路」履勘委員(土建組召集人) |
2006 |
交通部「雪山隧道滲水修復診斷工作小組」召集人 |
2007-2008 |
台北市「經濟發展委員會」委員 |
2007-2008 |
台北市「市政顧問」 |
受邀演講 |
1991 |
邀請講席:第15屆中華民國力學學會年會,成功大學,12/13-14. |
1993 |
Invited lecture: SEIKEN-IASS Symp.
Nonl. Analysis & Design for Shell & Spatial Struct.,
Tokyo Univ., Japan, 10/20-22. |
1995 |
Keynote lecture: 2nd Int. Symp. Microstructures
& Mechanical Properties of New Engrg. Materials, Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China, 5/12-15. |
1995 |
Invited lecture: Int. Symp. Public
Infrastructure Systems Res., Seoul, Korea, 9/25-28. |
1996 |
Invited lecture: 3rd Asian-Pacific
Conf. Comput. Mech., Seoul, Korea, 9/16-18. |
1996 |
Invited lecture: 2nd Int. Symp. Civil
Infrastructure Systems: Res. on Composite & Hybrid
Struct., Hong Kong, 12/9-12. |
1996 |
邀請講席:第20屆中華民國力學學會年會,臺灣工業技術學院,12/14-15. |
1997 |
Keynote lecture: 2nd Int. Symp. Struct.
& Foundations in Civil Engrg., Hong Kong, 1/7-10. |
1997 |
Invited lecture: 7th Int. Conf. Comput.
in Civil & Building Engrg., Seoul, Korea, 8/19-21. |
1999 |
Keynote lecture: 1st Int. Conf. Adv.
in Struct. Engrg. & Mech., Seoul, Korea, 8/23-25. |
1999 |
Invited lecture: 7th East Asia-Pacific
Conf. Struct. Engrg. & Construction, Kochi, Japan,
8/27-29. |
1999 |
Keynote lecture: 1st Int. Conf. Struct.
Engrg., Kunming, China, 10/18-20. |
1999 |
Invited lecture: 4th Asia-Pacific Conf.
Comput. Mech., Singapore, 12/15-17. |
2000 |
Keynote lecture: IASS-TACM 2000: 4th
Int. Colloq. Comp. of Shells & Spatial Struct.,
Chania-Crete, Greece, 6/4-7. |
2000 |
Invited lecture: Int. Conf. Engrg.
& Tech. Sic. 2000, Beijing, China, 10/11-13. |
2000 |
Invited lecture: 6th Asian Pacific
Conf. Shell & Spatial Struct., Seoul, Korea,
10/16-18. |
2001 |
Keynote lecture: Int. Conf. Enhancement
& Promotion of Comput. Meth. Eng. Sci., Shanghai,
China, 7/25-28. |
2001 |
Invited lecture: IASS Symp. Theory,
Design & Realization of Shells & Spatial Struct.,
Nagoya, Japan, 10/9-13. |
2001 |
Invited lecture: 1st Asia-Pacific Cong.
Comput. Mech., Sydney, Australia, 11/20-23. |
2001 |
主講人:南部科學園區振動防治策略研討會,成功大學,11/27. |
2001 |
Keynote lecture: Chinese Conf. On Comput.
Mech., GuangZhou, Southern China Univ. of Tech.,
12/6-8. |
2002 |
菁英講座:暨南國際大學科技學院,3/20. |
2002 |
Keynote Lecture: Int. Symp. on Lightweight
Struct. in Civil Eng., Warsaw, Poland, 6/24-28. |
2002 |
Keynote lecture: 2nd Int. Conf. Adv.
in Struct. Eng. & Mech., Seoul, Korea,
8/19-22. |
2002 |
Invited lecture: 3rd Int. Workshop
on Wave Propagation, Moving Load and Vibration Reduction, Okayama Univ., Japan, 9/18-20. |
2002 |
Invited lecture: 2nd Int. Conf. on
Struct. Stability and Dyn., Nat. Univ. of Singapore,
12/16-18. |
2003 |
Keynote lecture: Int. Sem. on Environ.
Vibr.: Prediction, Monitoring & Evaluation, Zhejiang
Univ., Hangzhou, China, 10/16-18. |
2003 |
Invited lecture: IASS-APCS Symp. on
New Perspectives for Shell & Spatial Struct., Nat. Taiwan Univ., Taiwan, 10/22-26. |
2003 |
Keynote lecture: 9th Int. Conf. On
Enhancement & Promotion of Comput. Meth. in Eng. &
Sci. (EPMESC IX), Macau, 11/25-28 |
2004 |
Keynote lecture: 2nd Australia-Taiwan
Conf. on Higher Education, Nat. Taiwan Univ., 7/7-8. |
2004 |
Keynote lecture: 7th Nat. Conf. on
Struct. Eng., Chung-Yuan Univ., 8/22-23. |
2005 |
Keynote lecture: 4th Int. Conf. on
Advances in Steel Struct., Tongji Univ., Shanghai,
China, 6/13-15. |
2005 |
Plenary lecturer:2nd Int. Symp. on
Environmental Vibr.: Prediction, Monitoring, Mitigation
& Evaluation, Japanese Geotechnical Society,
Japan, 9/20-22 |
2005 |
Keynote Lecture: Int. Symp. IASS 2005
on Theory, Technique, Evaluation, and Maintenance of Shell
and Spatial Structures, Burcharest, Romania, 9/6-9. |